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Friday, September 19, 2008

New beginnings

I become exhilarated with new beginnings. It's like cleaning a closet of all the clutter and finding that red dress I thought I lost at the cleaners. It conceives in me hope, which is motivating. Excited with new inspiration to thrive again; I can see things clearly and focus toward new objectives, aggravating better disciplines, rediscovering inner longings and dumping that which is obsolete for the present. To reiterate simply, I'm feeling it today, folks. Look out world - anything is on the table!

One thing that shores up courage to try new things (like starting a blog) is that it's so forgiving - that is, if you live in the present. The 'mercies of God are new every morning', kind of thing. Wipe the slate clean and step into it without oppression of past mistakes. And I really need and appreciate all that - especially the mercy. So to begin anew means forgiving what's behind...other people, wicked deeds that bring shame and of course, myself. Losing that load makes for more energy, empowering in the present to accomplish that which I dream for in my future. And why not? I only have just one trip around this fence post. Life is too, too short to get stuck in the groove of the familiar and what's 'comfortable'.

Which stimulates another thought about new beginnings. It's not comfortable. Though I may have motivation and energy to begin something new; stepping out into the unfamiliar is painful, kinda scary and at the very least, tweakful. Yes, I said tweakful...that which is done when a slight ping to your world gives way to a shaking. For most of us, even if it's just a little shake or a 'turn your world upside down' kind of shake - we don't like it.

But I do think the adventure of new beginnings, as I pursue its beckoning, out weigh uncomfortable effects. Whatever is kinda scary; I won't bother myself to look at that. Because like when riding a bicycle and I see a small rock in the path that I want to avoid; if I look at it long enough, you can sure fire bet I'm gonna roll right over the top and perhaps even topple over. Perhaps a better application is like when I'm set to score a goal in a soccer match. I may be aware of where the goalie is in the box, but if I focus on where the goalie isn't, (my target) I'm gonna score!

So this blog is part of a new beginning. I am a newbie at this so please be patient and grade me on a learning curve by which is inundated with mercy. I'm one of those hard heads that learn by doing - and from my mistakes; I get it best. Join me in this deliberation about your new beginnings and on any other given thought this blog inspires. I'd like to hear from you and thanks for your interest. God Bless...

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