King Solomon declares that 'The Lord abhors dishonest scales, but accurate weights are his delight,' - Proverbs 11:1. This concept can be applied in various ways. Trade practices in business are one such example. But I suggest that God desires fair playing fields in any arena - He is a just and fair Lord according to Solomon. And I think equal scales are something we can all appreciate. Perhaps it's even inherent to our nature - made in the image of our creator; we delight when things are fair and whine when they aren't.
I'm not whining but I do want to point out some current news that reveals gross unfairness, which stinks of unjust scales. My abhorrence is churning. It has now been confirmed in more than one state, additional voter registration fraud - to the tune of thousands of possible fraudulent votes in swing states, I might add. One candidate (Obama) is unequally favored by those doing the cheating. Aggravated by the impossible task of verifying these registrations (and many states have lax identification standards when voting) we may elect a guy by a false constituent. And that fries my bacon, people. I can rectify my vote being unrewarded, as the opposing candidate takes office, if it's done with a justified electorate. But this 'fly in the face', 'end justifies the means', kind of rationale by those supporters is despicable. And it doesn't seem to make big news either. I hear smatterings here and there, but none of the mainstream news seems to be reporting this magnanimous indiscretion. Which brings me to my second observation.
I've seen some bias in journalism in my day; but the coverage of this 2008 campaign for the White House has an unprecedented prejudice in favor of Barack Obama. It's quite stunning. The glamor, weighted polls, the shinning editorials, the passes by journalists from asking hard questions of him and articles, of which, (right down to framing the pictures) are not just creative - they're magical. To simply cry unfair is an understatement in my way of thinking.
This past weekend I saw a piece about a TV news anchorwoman, Barbara West (with a local affiliate out of Florida, WFTV) that pitched some hard ball questions to Senator Biden, which rattled him during the interview. I'm not so sure they were unfair questions as he claimed (later, Biden pulled all future interviews with the station, including his wife, Jill's). The Obama camp was reported to have been furious! But many of the American people have had these questions, making this interview newsworthy. Her Marxist inquiry was served well, in my opinion, as it referenced the heightened question by "Joe the Plumber" about taxing small businesses in his tax plan and prompting the 'redistribution of the wealth' answer from Barack. Hello - it is an ideal of Karl Marx! Perfectly legit, if you ask me. I wanna know!
Suffice it to say, the only inequity I see is the underpinning of Barack's candidacy by the mainstream media and Hollywood's glamorous darlings (as if they were expert voices to whom we should listen). It's troubling that we may elect a president with a false electorate. It's a shame that apparently, socialist ideals have made a compelling argument to the masses in a country that primarily prospered through the ingenuity of a free people holding to capitalist ideas. But hey - maybe things aren't as they seem. After all, perhaps the scales have been slighted a little...perhaps more than a little.
This week in books 7/14/17
7 years ago