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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Wisdom is Better Than Gold

Bouncing off the last post about the big rocks; I want to address the rock that is in hot pursuit by most contemporary Americans. Because our economic engine is fueled by capitalism and a competitive drive of free enterprise; we all tend to get caught up in how to make a buck. And that has distorted for us, what is of real value.

King Solomon says it this way in Proverbs 16:16 - "How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose understanding rather than silver!" Which may not get us the King's pajamas, but it'll make us a whole lot more free. Since we do value freedom, I trust this concept may tweak our attention.

Most folks believe that if I just had more money...then I'd really be free to do all that I want - and then I'd be happy. For the immature, this is an understatement. But for those who have been around a few fence posts, like myself; it's just not true. The more you have; the more you're cursed with responsibilities that bind.

Example: The other night, I was walking down a road in our town where Christmas displays attract quite a following. It happened that it was an affluent street where I had grown up. While I sauntered along, much sentiment of the good ol' days pranced through my mind, filled with lingering memories of yesteryear when I was a child. Being so young, it didn't occur to me that we lived better than 95% of the world's humanity. Nor did I have a clue as to the demands of responsibilities that was the mantel of this lifestyle. It was a good gift and I do appreciate it. But now, with some maturity under my belt - I know the imposition it posed on the freedom I now have. I say this because it was a lot of busy work with lots and lots of seducing distractions. It's the kind of thing that keeps folks up at night, burning the candle at both ends trying to make the flow to make it go - round and round and round again. And my logic tells me, that rat race is not freeing!

See - I think that being somewhat exempt from worries, stress and binding responsibilities is, as the King pointed out, better wealth. Acquiring possession of eternally valuable legacies puts emphasis on wisdom and understanding - like the King said. Wisdom helps us to be discerning with sound judgment about day to day involvement. Understanding leads to peace for our soul. Think about how rich that is!

Given the state of our present economy, most of us will be cutting back in our spending for the holidays. So be it. If you have the big rocks in the jar; it won't be a killer of a problem. In fact, slowing it all down may give more time to enjoy our families, rather than be temporarily entertained with toys.

And that, mes amis, is a very good thing.
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