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Friday, March 29, 2013

Times Are Changing

Times are a changin'... "My son, fear the Lord and the king, and do not join with those who do otherwise..." Proverbs 24:21.  We are reminded to let those who oppose the truth, the principles and standards of our God; go their own way.  They are mislead by secular teachings or the like. We, who believe and serve the truth, are called first to fear and respect the living God - who is unchangeable.

Recently, I heard many voices clamoring loudly about the church needing to change and get with changing  times.  The catholic church just appointed another Pope [Benedict the first] who, not being instep with changing trends [of social decadence], is judged harshly by his secular counterparts.  Christians are called intolerant, haters and bigots because they won't change on moral issues of our day.  Whether it's abortion or gay marital status; we are accused of being narrow minded and backward in our traditional stances.  Get ready my brethren.  The persecution is just beginning to get revved up.

Here's the thing: the living God is the same, yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8 & 9) 'and do not be led away by strange teachings...'  There's no changing here, folks; not even a smidgen.  The truth can't be changed to accommodate those created.  It's an absolute to which the secular world will never adhere.  And there's the hitch in their get along.  The secular world has no absolutes; they're constantly changing.  Thank God, He doesn't.  What was true about the nature of things created is and will always be true.  Frankly, I'm glad of it.

The body of Christ is a lamp stand for truth.  This "changing of the times" and the church's opposition is nothing new under the sun - nor is the persecution.  The bride of Christ has been, for centuries, sanctified in the blood of martyred saints - because of their witness to a heathen world.  It is, however, a new trend for citizens of a 'nation under God'.  I wonder if the American church is ready and 'trained' to withstand a persecution coming.  I imagine not.  But it will affect a purging, to be sure.

What's astounding to me is the voice of the youth [under 30] who seem in a majority of debate and are quite zealous in their press for change.  And we have no wise rebuttal?  These have not lived life yet.  They're immature, experienced nothing of life, having no humility in their indoctrination.  Fools would know better.  I listened stunned by the absurdity, as one such voice demanded that the church needs to change and get with it.  From my vantage point; I remember the strength and zeal of youthful ideologues.  I once was such.  But life has a way of humbling us as we experience a constant barrage of adversity.  Narrow minded - nope!  After trying everything else when I was young, immature and frankly foolish; I came into the knowledge of the truth, which doesn't change (thank God).

The way of the world leads to death.  It's a slippery slope like when one is at the top of a slide and then cannot stop after moving past its precipice.  Have faith in God, people.  He doesn't change.  He is our maker and has risen from the grave and hence is living, powerful.  We dare not change with the times.  Our King is not of this world.  His principles are like a stop light at an intersection, allowing traffic to flow freely.  Without the boundary of its red light to stop; a crash strikes disaster.

So, my brethren, stand strong and be courageous.  Fear and respect Him who is, forevermore, unchangeable, faithful and true.  We are not His subjects but the 'apple of His eye'.  Oh, how He loves us...  yes, He loves us much more than we know.  Be not muzzled by those who are politically correct.  Speak that those who are being saved can hear what the Spirit is saying.
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