When Americans pledge '...one nation under God...' I'm once again reminded that we are a people with standards on which we built our moral laws. Many of our laws are based on a simple skeleton framework of values, universally accepted globally. And yet, the majority of our laws come from a Judea/christian ethic that was influencing during the construction of our beginnings by our founders who believed in those ethics and principles. So, when I suggest that God hates something, generally most folks will understand and trust the ramifications. It's good to have standards that have authority behind them so there's teeth in the bite. It breeds security and stability to a people who are governed by those values.
Having stated thus, in the Proverbs 20:23 it says: 'Unequal weights are an abomination to the Lord, and false scales are not good'. Such a standard invites investigation of a current, subtle, sucking out of our nation's wealth and in discovery; do something about it. I speak of our trade with China.
As of yet, little has been talked about our trade with China, but the reports are growing as we feel the pains of unemployment, devaluation of our currency and outsourcing of manufacturing. Much of these problems are connected. America used to be the place to manufacture goods; it was the country that had the most creative freedom allowed for entrepreneurship, coupled with a free market that made successful prosperity happen like no other. So what's changed?
I'll go to a beginning that's led to our sliding slope of lost affluence on American soil. There's been an apparent shift in ideology that been progressively influencing business in America since the early 1900s. It's changed our way and thinking over time whereby recently, profound dominance of this ideology has taken a foothold in places of power. In an effort to be protective (understandable in a free enterprise society) and fair to the consumer; we put emphasis on regulating things. This freedom to regulate, also granted 'by the people, for the people', allowed for government to grow too. Regulatory bureaus (at all levels of government) in their power, created more regulations to feed on, exacting even more power to remain necessary. Along with growing entitlements (which are easily sold to a constituency) have spawned an undisciplined, unmotivated and apathetic worker, dependent on government (which is money tossed into a vacuum of no return). This progressive vicious cycle secures and promotes abuse of power. And absolute power corrupts absolutely.
In the meantime, regulatory entities struggle to be fair in the balance of things domestically and yet abroad with China, (who's about China's prospering) trade agreements have given up too much with little in return. And then to make it worse, China undervalues their currency to trump up their profits. Like compounding interest; there's a hidden result that doubles down. These unjust scales are adding to our depletion of assets, making a real economic recovery next to impossible. And I'm not even discussing the enslavement that's happening due to deficit borrowing from China by our government. (Another atrocity for another post...)
And who made these trade agreements? Mostly politicians; not business folks. No wonder we're in the red!
Folks, if we're going to do business outside our borders; we invite problems that we may not have ability to control. I suggest we pay close attention and be shrewd to recognize unjust scales and have a reckoning. Understand that we, the people - the citizens of these United States (who foot the bill) are being sold out!
Perhaps we should even call upon God, as a nation 'under God', to right the scales justly. At this point, I do believe we need divine intervention for a miracle because I fear we're in checkmate.
This week in books 7/14/17
7 years ago