Throughout a controversial debate on health care reform, I've noticed deceit on the part of its proponents. When President Obama addressed both congressional bodies in a speech recently to sell his health care plan; his charming oration was once again, beautifully delivered. Our ears were tickled with every good possibility concerning the merits of these reforms. We heard how it is our right to health care and everyone needs access. We heard how through policing fraud in the current system, we can keep costs down and over time, curtail the costs. We even heard that the opposition have lied about what the bill from the house mandates. And when he said that undocumented illegal immigrants would not be covered; US Rep. Joe Wilson shouted in a uncontrolled zealous rebuttal, "You lie!". Unbecoming a congressman as that may be (and it certainly displayed unprecedented disrespect); I think he may be right. Deception is at the heart of this debate and primarily by those who support the President's plan.
"A malicious man disguises himself with his lips, but in his heart he harbors deceit. Though his speech is charming, do not believe him, for seven abominations fill his heart. His malice may be concealed by deception, but his wickedness will be exposed in the assembly." Proverbs 26: 24-26. I hope so - before it's too late and this congress passes a magnitude of intrusion by big government like we never seen.
Firstly; everyone can access our elite health care system. By law, we have to treat any and every emergency. And yes, that means for those who don't carry insurance, their costs will be passed on to the rest who are paying. So, EVERYONE DOES HAVE ACCESS, including illegals Mr President. But the President is right - that drives up the cost. And fraud drives up the cost. Tort (that's not a whore or a pastry, folks) that perpetuates frivolous suits also greatly drives up the costs. And Tort reform is at the top of my list because not only does it directly affect overhead costs; it frightens health providers to practice defensive medicine, which makes for a lot of nonsense medicine.
The problem is that for most folks chronic care and preventative care, which is sensible medicine, is so expensive - we, the people, don't get the care we need. Therein lies the need for reform. How can everyone afford coverage for what has become too expensive for (I daresay) most Americans?
I still believe in a free market system. And when I can shop freely with choices; I'm able to find what I need relative to the cost that works for my lifestyle. Freedom is the big element here. From state to state, is there a competitive drive for the consumer to affect costs when buying health insurance? The answer is no. If you have a pre-existing condition or are unemployed; choices are greatly limited. That should change. Here in California where I live, I buy an independent plan and there's really only one reliable that serves me best: Anthem Blue Cross. With great sacrifice I only carry catastrophic major medical insurance, which suffers a high deductible. And I get a birthday present from them every year; my premium goes up - and I haven't even gone to the doctor. I should simply pocket the premium and self fund my own plan. Or simply show up when I have an emergency and let everyone else pay for my care (which apparently happens a lot). Because after I pay my premiums, I can't afford to go to the doctor for preventative care. And that's not smart.
Then there's the young invincible ones who think they don't need it. The ones who have motorcycle accidents, drunk driving accidents (or texting)and how about those injuries incurred through extra curricular high risk activities that by nature happen to those invincible?
The point is: there are lies at the heart of this debate and those are driven by political activism. We do need reforms. Just not the kind the President is selling. We Americans have a great health care system. As to how we'll pay for it is on what we need to work and namely the previously mentioned problems - none of which seems to be remedied in the plan supported by the President. I recognize that he is a smart man, so why doesn't he understand what we really need? Does he have another agenda? Why does he want a grand scale of government intrusion with a public option that will pry into our lives so intimately? So what then - Uncle Sam is going to parent us in His subjective values concerning quality of life issues? And what about those "reproductive health needs" that are covered in this current plan? I'm convinced abortion is considered by some to be a reproductive need. If it wasn't, don'cha think that the pro abortion folks would be screaming with that remark? Shall I mention it's pretty easy to harbor deception in a bill this large? Not many can or will understand the undertaking of reading it. Besides, has the government ever done anything well concerning social welfare? So why would this be better? I wonder what this is really about, Mr. President? And trust me when I say, my opposition has nothing to do with the color of skin. So people, stop throwing down the race card! It's a distraction to real honest debate.
Unleash competition, legislate tort caps and regulation, and yes, mandate for all legal documented folks living here to pay in - either through private coverage or like an IRA - create tax incentive for self funding your health care. Tighten our borders and deport the illegals. Otherwise, we'll have to pay for their care. I don't think reform needs to be complicated. Utilize what's already in place. Policing fraud has been in place but obviously needs a better administrative task force to successfully bring down costs and lock up the criminals. That's about all the government should bring to the table. I call it the K.I.S.S. principle - keep it simple stupid!
I trust we'll get to the bottom of this. I hope the wickedness in high places will be exposed. I believe in the American people to hear what the truth is. I hope...
This week in books 7/14/17
7 years ago