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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Fraudulent Witness Will Be Punished

According to King Solomon, there are six things the Lord hates. In Proverbs 6:16-19 they are listed. Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness and a man who stirs up dissension. Well, technically there are seven but several cover the same kind of thing - deception with malice and conspiracy. It's interesting to note that the parts of the body are listed, revealing a physical tool active in committing these various transgressions. We see in the eyes the demeanor of arrogance (motive), the tongue speaks lies, the hands kill, the heart conspires, the feet rush and so on. Notice that the whole body of a man stirs up dissension - belying the use of pretty much all the vehicles of action, which involves a deliberate effort. That's a perceptible metaphor.

Concerning the news that has exposed fraud on the part of those registering voters (namely A.C.O.R.N.); I suggest that the previous mentioned wrongdoings apply. The ACORN organization has clearly acted in serious misconduct that apparently used the tongue to speak lies, the feet to rush into evil with arrogance that conspired (in heart) to an end of biased gain. And it stirred up dissension, which is so widespread that the election boards of many, many counties across several states (last count was 14) may not be able to sort it all out by election day. If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck... THEY LIED TO PEOPLE. THEY SECURED KNOWINGLY, FALSE VOTER REGISTRATIONS. Their workers - who were hired? went out to meet quotas? What happened to volunteers for such generous, charitable kinds of support - those who are zealous with pure motivation for an ideal. Who decided it was a good thing to implement compulsive quotas to register voters? And then pay them? I propose that they aren't very bright - it's a no brainer to foresee the problems we have now. And shouldn't registering to vote be something every citizen consider an honored privilege with which the informed would seek to do? There's so many wonderful philanthropic organizations, which have tremendous support from volunteers that endeavor uprightly in their duties. What happen to those who serve purely? This coming from the party that boasts social welfare foremost - pro bono doesn't work anymore? Come on now people!

My point here is this: ACORN did some pretty atrocious things pertaining to our privilege to vote and should be called to account. Not just the individuals who did the deeds but also the higher ups that mismanaged, implemented and enabled these practices. Hold them accountable so we remove the incentive.

One more point. What's with all the recruitment for voting registrations anyway? After all, it's not hard to register. There are outlets to do so and we are given plenty of time. So if we have to give folks something for little or no effort on their part; do they appreciate it enough to be informed when casting their vote? I suggest that they don't. Just examine the registrations, with everyone from Micky Mouse to the Dallas football team who supposedly registered in Las Vegas. One guy confessed to registering 73 times for Pete's sake!

This is reckless disregard for our right to vote that was bought with a huge price. I remember when the voting age in California was 21 and our 18 year olds were drafted to go to war. You bet that the youth across our college campuses demonstrated until it was lowered and were granted a voice to determine such kind of policy. I heard interviews recently with many youth who couldn't tell you much about a political platform of a candidate or even recognize their picture - though most recognized Judge Judy. So stay home if it means so little.

In the meantime, prosecute the frauds and those who rush to do evil in this deed. The King also pointed out in Proverbs 19:5; A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who pours out lies will not go free. So be it...

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