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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Big Rocks in the Jar

I always said two things to my six kids while they were growing up: 'remember who you are and who you represent'; and - 'get the big rocks in the jar first. Then the rest will fit'. It is a mystery. If we prioritize what is most valuable to us and pursue it with diligence; I trust we'll discover that we will possess what is most important. The less important things we'd like to see happen, do manage to fit. It goes back to a concept I got from a Bible passage in Mathew 6:33, 'Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.' Spoken by the one known as the King of kings - the Lord Jesus Christ. Well, King Solomon said something similar in Proverbs 21:21, 'He who pursues righteousness and unfailing love finds life, prosperity and honor.' These are the big rocks of which I speak - rocks that are solid, eternal with a legacy that if we can acquire it; have true wealth.

These are the rocks that remain eternally long after were gone. And while we're on the earth; they make for a solid foundation on which to stand firm - especially when the challenges of life buffet harshly.

Consider the pursuit of righteousness. A man's reputation, his character with honorable traits that make up his character is all about who that person really is. Honesty, integrity and sacrificial unfailing love compose the kind character of whom I'm thinking. The kind of person we don't see too much of these days. This is simply my observation, given the current society in which we live where 'our rights' seem to be a dominant rock of pursuit. And I might add, is contrary to my point - building a person's character is a move away from selfish pursuits like 'our rights'.

So, how do we get back to the big rocks in the jar? I think it helps to slow down, see, and begin to be sensitive to others around you. Which is something that doesn't come naturally to us. We have to work at it and teach it to the next generation, living it by example.

Imagine if we had that kind of change to our country. It could be a good thing... a very good thing.

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