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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Man of Understanding Keeps a Straight Course

This time around was a crucial election. Frankly, I think it could be the end of free enterprise and a capitalist form of governing that has made this nation prosperous and what it is - good and bad. We definitely have lived well. But we have moved gradually toward socialism over recent decades. John F. Kennedy could be recognized as a conservative by some, were he alive today.

My disappointment with the Republicans have been that they've become more centrist - and with the Democrats, more leftist. If those kind of ideals had worked in other socialist nations; why have they not surpassed the US in prospering the general median of the populous or become a strong global influence of military power? As we're now fast losing some of that influence and economic prosperity; I think I have some idea how we got here.

I suggest that our weakening economy (and other chaos) has been due to our drift to the left in recent years. Not only in a political sense but a lenient moral climate as well. Though it appears to be a kinder approach; it only prolongs the illness whereby more are infected. For instance, Government cannot parent in social welfare endeavors. They're just no good at it. I don't understand why anyone out there thinks the government is better at deciding where our money should go, or whether our minor daughters should abort our grandchildren. And now, with the bail out; they're becoming bankers? Just wait 'til you see how a government hand administers universal health care - more like selective care. You gotta figure it'll discriminate based on political correctness. Now that's really scary. Wake up folks! We're handing over our freedom to Uncle Sam on a sterling platter (or by today's standard, I daresay, it's silver plated).

Understand that I'm a entrepreneur type of person. I believe in the American spirit that dreams big and does amazing things with that gift. Our freedom was bought with a price over our history - in blood! So what are we doing thinking that a socialist model works? King Solomon would say, "Folly delights a man who lacks judgment, but a man of understanding keeps a straight course." I'm not convinced that a Obama presidency will consider a kind of change we need. And with the upsets tilted toward the democrats in Congress - we're looking at the tools to make drastic legislative changes.

Some of you may think that my use of the word socialist is too extreme - especially since many want to break the barriers that would be historic, achieving important civil rights' milestones like electing a Black American president. And that is something of great significance. I get that. But understand - skin color doesn't make for sound leadership, white or black. Character, experience and ideology does. Obama doesn't adhere to a capitalist ideology; his voting record tells us so. So we can have an notion as to where he will lead us. Sadly, I'm not confident it's the straight course.

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