It's good to be back - sorry guys. I've been caught up with other work and the load was occupying. Alot has gone on since my last post; but oh well, the big rocks are in the jar, so to speak.
One of the matters I missed addressing was the change of the guard in the White House. We have a new president. It was a historical inauguration, of which I expect was duly inspiring to everyone - especially for those who have hopes of flourishing in our great land of opportunity. His example leads us to believe our hope, I think, when pressed against all odds.
I want to acknowledge this president's apparent compassion for the poor. King Solomon would say in the Proverbs, 19:17 - 'He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward him for what he has done.' Surely Barrack Obama's work in community organizations (so his biography tells us) has perhaps proved his sensitivity to the needs of the poor and working class of America. I like that. From the grass roots, he has experiential knowledge about those in dire need within our midst. And given a downward turn of this gloomy economy; I expect there will be more among that throng.
I think it is a timeless truth to note that the poor has always been and surely, will always be among us. It is because life presents discrimination of all kinds and preys upon the weak with unjust oppression. And like beauty - justice may be subject to the eyes of the beholder, not always best serving as we perceive it should. But the better side of that is that when each of us have opportunity; we can serve our neighbors in their need. I propose that these are times for that initiative.
But who are the poor? I suggest that's also subject to relative conditions. Someone out of work, who can't pay the mortgage surely has needs. But when two months prior they lived in affluence; do we consider them poor? Perhaps not. Hard times fall on anyone and everyone. Yet, where there is a need; a person of means can help out and lend a hand. It's easy to say that the indigent of our society are the only ones who deserve relief. Is it a subjective judgment we make? Have you ever looked the other way when someone in need crossed your path and you rationalized that there's a social welfare program for that person - or - I already gave at my charity? And how about having compassion for the small (or large) business that dries up and goes away? Some one's dreams are dashed - and there are others hurting with that closure. I venture a guess that if we practice this proverb in our personal ventures of all walks of life; it'll work out better for everyone. There's a reward for those who would comply.
I propose that we be sensitive these days to anyone in need around us. That seems to be our responsibility - an order of natural prompting. Who knows? It may be a divine appointment of which brings redemptive quality to our lives, even if there is great sacrifice.
This week in books 7/14/17
7 years ago
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