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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Don't Be Deceived

Proverbs 16: 25 warns us to be mindful of where our chosen course is leading. Some roads lead to nowhere; some lead to a bountiful prosperous success and some lead to death. It's our responsibility to choose wisely with regard to the end of the road. Presumably however, we need to be discerning with mature foresight to the extended 'down-the-road' consequences. King Solomon, reputed as the wisest ruler of all times puts it this way: 'There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.'

If the Obama's Federal budget plan (3.4 trillion, the largest deficit spending yet in history) that now contains some modest cuts (if not next to nothing) finds congressional approval; one prudently wonders the long term consequences. I much appreciate those zealous tea-baggers who are fed up and won't take it anymore. They're looking ahead to future generations, recognizing the consequences and it's not looking too good, folks. We need to understand something my grandparents and parents knew: money doesn't grow on trees. There isn't this kind of revenue out there, period. We have to either borrow or print it and neither option supports effective, sound, fiscal responses. Do we become enslaved to the foreign nations from whom we borrowed money (recently, China has indicated they're cutting up our credit card) or will we devalue our dollar and accelerate inflation? You think prices on goods and services are high now; just wait...

Point being - death is awaiting our prosperous existence ahead. This is a doomed course. No matter how eloquently the President waxes this destined demise; discerning folks sense an alarm signaling trouble ahead. The logistics of the plan just don't add up. And I'm one of those pragmatic types that estimate reasonable practical action. It's a realty check to those subjective beautiful ideals that tickle. It may sound good and strike a fancy to our compassionate hearts, but this touchy-feely stuff doesn't seem right to me. And I don't care how smart some people say this president is (and we certainly love a smart guy)! Bear in mind, his supporters had to rebut Obama's inexperience somehow.

So much for change. The only change I have these days is what's left in my pocket after taxes. And at this rate; it's only gonna get worse. Somewhere along this road though, I expect we can't squeeze any more 'blood from a turnip'...

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