King Solomon noticed a suffering of speech on two different spectrums of community. He addressed his insight in the Proverbs: 17:7 'Fine speech is not becoming to a fool; still less is false speech to a prince'. Let's remember that a fool is defined best as someone who has opportunity to learn wisdom but does not heed it and a prince is one of noble character that has discernment, understanding and heeds wisdom. Having thought about this of late, only because we are fast approaching a crucial election that could change the future course of our nation forever; I find myself irritated with suffering a lot of fools out there. And since I consider myself humble enough so as to seek all the wisdom I can find; I have a nose to sniff out a liar or two.
I am stunned at the blatant lies perpetuated by the American press these days. I understand it's a campaign year and there are those working hard to stretch, twist and bend facts to spin a supportive 'truth' for their candidate. But this is astounding journalism, folks. Frankly, it's not noble; it's deception. Hopefully, there are noble princes who will recognize the lies because fools don't care about what's noble or right. A new introduction of bloggers & pundits don't do accurate research belying a source of the problem. Support found in networking on the internet with associated press complicates and compounds misreported facts, which aggravates and confuses. But I'm very troubled by what seems to be the most ill informed electorate ever.
Another deception is the polling going on and it certainly doesn't help the electorate in their choice. The polls have shaped elections to take on something of a beauty contest. No one likes to vote for a loser, right? Are we so bold to think we can predict an outcome, like some seer or something? No. The only poll that counts is the one taken at the ballot box. And what of this electorate? Apparently, they have become disinterested, apathetic, shallow and desperate to be bought off pawns, manipulated for their vote. If these have opportunity to cast a vote, then it should be an informed one that supports their best choice for leadership, consistent with their values. Where are the discerning, the princes of noble seeking? Are there those that seek wisdom and knowledge, supporting truth; or is this electorate mostly fools, ignoring the truth? Have we become so distant from what's genuine; it's hard to recognize it? If so, we'll get what we have become - fools leading fools into a temple of doom.
This week in books 7/14/17
7 years ago
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